Boulder, Colorado is a rapidly growing city of over 100,000 people, a college town, and home to unnerving concentration of comically self-entitled assholes. As such, it's even more ripe than most places to serve as a forum for inconsiderate, careless, and just plain shitty-ass driving. Feel free to submit entries for consideration to

Saturday, September 17, 2016

You May Think You're Cute, But Your Behavior is Ugly

The parking situation by Lucky's Market in south Boulder is a mess. There's a lot of construction going on, so spaces are extremely limited. I had been circling around looking for a spot for a while when I saw a lady approaching her car. I put my indicator on and waited patiently for her to put her bags in the car, get in, make any necessary adjustments and begin to pull out of the spot. Before she was completely out, some selfish dope who had just arrived, drove over the median in her hurry to steal my place. She smirked as she clumsily settled her car between the white lines, and I could see her gross grin through her window. She probably felt proud to have pulled such a low move. I snapped this on my way to the store after I eventually found a different spot. In cases like this, I hope Karma is every bit the bitch people say she is.

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